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River House Windsor Wedding Photography

River House Windsor Wedding Photography: I really love Windsor so I was delighted when Caroline and Mark booked me for their wedding at St Andrew the Apostle Clewer Parish Church, followed by a reception at the River House. Both are lovely places and, as the name suggest, the River House is right on the banks of the Thames with stunning views back into Windsor.

When I arrived at Carolines house for the bridal prep, the weather was not looking good. The rain had just started heavily and the wind was unbelievable and it was forecast to stay like that for the rest of the day. Thankfully it didn’t really dampen the mood any and everyone was in great spirits. Bridal prep went incredibly smoothly and before you knew it Caroline was ready and in her dress and preparing not to move or sit down until the cab arrived! At this point I jumped into the car to head over to St Andrews Church in Windsor to meet up with Mark.

By the time I go to Windsor, the rain had gone, the clouds were parting and making way for some stunning sunshine…could the forecast be wrong? We’d have to wait and see. I headed into the church itself which was as pretty as a picture and run by Reverend Louise Brown who was fantastic. After the ceremony we got the formal shots done and dusted outside the church before heading into Windsor itself and to the reception at the River House. A few spots of rain on the way there but that was really the last we saw of the bad weather, we even managed to get some lovely shots outside in the sunshine and a quick sunset shot at the end of the evening shortly before I left.

I seem to have been blessed with some really lovely couples and Caroline and Mark were no exception, their wedding was a great day and I am sure is the start of a long and happy marriage together.

Below are some of my favourites from the day, please feel free to comment and share! If you are getting married and looking for wedding photography in Windsor then please let me know and we can chat through the options. For friends and family of Caroline and Mark, the rest of the images can be seen in the client galleries, just ask Caroline and Mark for the password.

Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor River House Windsor Wedding Photography Windsor Wedding Photography Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor River House Windsor Wedding Photography Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor River House Windsor Wedding Photography Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor River House Windsor Wedding Photography Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor River House Windsor Wedding Photography Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor Wedding Photography in Windsor River House Windsor Wedding Photography Wedding Photography in Windsor

  • Karen Blythe - July 18, 2012 - 8:29 am

    What a lovely Picture of an absoloutely Wonderful Day – Brillant Photographer but I think it is also the Fantastic Bride and Groom what a Stunning pair kbx.

  • Tiyo New - July 18, 2012 - 2:32 pm

    As always, some great photography Chris.

  • Chris Legg Photography - July 18, 2012 - 3:28 pm

    Thanks Tiyo!

  • Chris Legg Photography - July 18, 2012 - 3:28 pm

    Thanks Karen – it certainly doesn’t hurt to have such a great couple to photograph!!

  • Matthew Mikaelian - July 18, 2012 - 8:34 pm

    Congrats @[286103828:2048:Caroline Delin] and amazing photos. Your photographer captured this so perfectly. Great choice on the photographer and gorgeous shots

  • Ana Hernandez - July 19, 2012 - 8:36 am

    Awesome pictures of a really wonderful day! Congratulations Caroline and Mark and thanks for having us! xx

  • John Johnston - July 19, 2012 - 10:47 am

    Beautiful set of photographs Chris. Lovely clean processing too. Last shot is KILLER :)

  • Felicity Vaughan Swayze - July 26, 2012 - 1:42 pm

    My cousin, Richard Dubber, shared these photos with me, and they are absolutely beautiful. Cheers from your family in America and congratulations to Caroline and Mark. Caroline, your Dad was my first cousin. Your Grandad, Fred, was my mother Paddy’s brother.
    Got that?
    Best Wishes,
    Felicity and T Swayze
    Tunbridge, Vermont USA

  • Anders Mehlbye - July 31, 2012 - 9:52 am

    looks absolutly amazing and what a wonderfull day it must have been – big GZ´s to both of you.

  • Wedding Photography 2012 Competition - January 7, 2013 - 11:45 am

    […] 18. Caroline & Mark – The River House […]

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